A lazy raining day~~
My cousin was back to taiping with her parent yesterday
to take my grandma and anoyher two cousin go to KL
Cause , they are on holiday ....
All of them are on holiday,except me......
Haiz~~I miss the school holiday so much
but I stiil have the exam on tomorrow
I am envious of them!!!
I want holiday , don't want exam!!!
Who can replace me go to exam??
I have a nighmares yesterday
I dreamt that my examination was very very bad!!
and i have catch by the discipline teacher cause i cheat in the exam!!
Finally i get the 0 marks in all my subject
Alamak!!! I want die leh!!
If it really happen, I will jump down from the roof of school!!!
I tell you all that i want bought a new handset right??
yesterday i told to my mum , then she said NO
I just want bought a new handset...
Haiz...my W595i ah~~